Initial Authors
Meet the Storytellers Behind The Great Library: Get to Know the Talented Authors of Our Time!
The Great Library is proud to have a talented and diverse group of authors as part of our team. These writers bring unique perspectives, experiences, and storytelling skills to the table, creating a rich tapestry of stories and ideas for our readers to enjoy.
Meet Lawrence Stanley, a scientist and engineer who has struggled to reconcile his scientific knowledge with his religious beliefs and personal experiences. He has written a series of novels that aim to entertain and bring understanding between different beliefs and ideologies.
John R Raymond is another member of our author team, the creator of the Scarab Cycle and a fan of both cats and dogs. He supports the arts and has a background in Byzantine Agreement and cryptography. When not working on his own books, he assists other authors in editing theirs.
These two authors are just a glimpse into the wide range of voices and stories that make up the authors at The Great Library. From science fiction to religious allegory, from hard science to whimsical fantasy, our authors bring their own passions and perspectives to the books they write.
So whether you're a fan of speculative fiction, historical novels, or heartwarming tales, our authors have something for you. Browse through our growing collection of books and find your next favorite read today!
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